
We Will Dance Again

Yariv Mozer
/ Israel, United Kingdom, United States
/ 2024
/ 89 mins
/ English, Hebrew
World Premiere
Festival Winner

** Won two Doc Edge awards for Best International Editing and Festival Category - In Truth We Trust **

7 October, the day the music stopped, and the world changed.

Friendship, love, peace, and freedom — these ideals drew young hearts from around the globe to Nova’s EDM music festival in south Israel. But as the sun rose on 7 October, rockets sliced through the sky, and the music stopped. Confusion morphed into fear as gunfire erupted amidst the chaos. Terror breached the border fence and unleashed violence on the unsuspecting people. The film meticulously captures the events, raw emotions and heroism that emerged, the day the world changed.

Film Trailer

Director Yariv Mozir was present for Q&A following the in-cinema screenings in Christchurch.

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Film Info

Director: Yariv Mozer
Country: Israel, United Kingdom, United States
Language: English, Hebrew
Year: 2024
Duration: 89 mins
Category: In Truth We Trust

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