
The Poem We Sang

Annie Sakkab
/ Canada, Jordan, Palestine
/ 2024
/ 20 mins
/ Arabic
Asia Pacific Premiere

An experimental film that meditates on love and longing - the love of one's family and the longing for one's home, contemplated through overcoming the trauma of loss of family home and of forced migration, transforming lifelong regrets into a healing journey of creative catharsis and bearing witness.

** This short film will be screened before the feature film Bye Bye Tiberias **

Film Trailer


This short film is only available to watch online on Doc Edge Virtual Cinema.  To watch the film online, buy either a Shorts Binge Pass to watch all 32 shorts or a Full Binge Pass to watch all festival films including features virtually.

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Film Info

Director: Annie Sakkab
Producer: Annie Sakkab
Country: Canada, Jordan, Palestine
Language: Arabic
Year: 2024
Duration: 20 mins

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