
Rather Be Ashes Than Dust

Alan Lau
/ Canada, Hong Kong, United Kingdom
/ 2023
/ 114 mins
/ Cantonese, English
Australasia Premiere
Festival Winner

** Won the Doc Edge Category awards, Democracy of the Edge **

When fear dictates, objectivity retreats. 

What are the challenges journalists face when covering increasingly challenging global crisis of war, civil disobedience, famine and hunger? Witnessing acts of government crackdown and injustice, should they remain objective? What are their choices when the government turns against them?  

Although journalism is not listed as one of the most dangerous professions, journalists have been killed, kidnapped, imprisoned, attacked, and accused of spying while doing their job.  

Using the Hong Kong protest movement in 2019 as a backdrop, this film follows a Hong Kong video-journalist who recounts his experience during the protest movement that leads to his decision to leave Hong Kong. 

Film Trailer

Director Alan Lau and producer Nancy Tong were present for Q&A following the in-cinema screenings in Christchurch.

Supported by:
02 Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono logo

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Film Info

Director: Alan Lau
Producer: Ada Kwok, Isis Tso, Nancy Tong
Country: Canada, Hong Kong, United Kingdom
Language: Cantonese, English
Year: 2023
Duration: 114 mins
Category: Democracy on the Edge

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